Punta Prieta, Tenerife, Islas Canarias
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Punta Prieta, Tenerife, Islas Canarias
What Is PTSD? Understanding Its Impact on Mental Health

The Connection Between PTSD, Trauma and Addiction

The connection between PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), trauma and addiction is undeniable. Many individuals who have experienced trauma turn to substance use, gambling, or compulsive behaviors as a way to cope with overwhelming emotions and painful memories.  At Revelia Recovery Center,…

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Triggers drug addiction

Triggers that can lead to drug use

Drug addiction often stems from a combination of psychological, environmental, and genetic factors. Triggers can cause individuals to seek substances as a coping mechanism, leading to dependency. At Revelia Recovery Center in Tenerife, specialists offer professional addiction interventions, helping individuals understand…

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Fentanyl addiction and dependence

In the world of opioids, fentanyl has emerged as one of the most dangerous and addictive drugs. With its extreme potency and easy access, fentanyl has triggered a public health crisis in many countries. In this article, we will explore in…

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Withdrawal symptoms and strategies to cope with them

In our journey to understand and support addiction recovery, we delve into the challenging terrain of withdrawal symptoms. We recognize the complexity of this process and the crucial importance of addressing it effectively to achieve a strong and sustainable recovery. Understanding…

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adicciones video imagen

7 reasons why people abuse drugs

The reasons why people use drugs vary greatly from person to person. On many occasions, people use drugs to avoid facing an underlying problem and have the mistaken idea that drugs can provide a solution. In other cases, substances are used…

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