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Punta Prieta, Tenerife, Islas Canarias
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7 reasons why people abuse drugs

The reasons why people use drugs vary greatly from person to person. On many occasions, people use drugs to avoid facing an underlying problem and have the mistaken idea that drugs can provide a solution.

In other cases, substances are used in order to fit in or feel “part of.” Others, however, fall into addiction when trying to cope with chronic pain through self-medication.

In short, each circumstance is different, but here we leave you a list of 7 of the main triggers of substance abuse:


It is not uncommon to fall into addiction after a time of experimentation or curiosity about drugs or alcohol. Generally, in the beginning, substance use is carried out as an experience and a discovery of new sensations, but according to numerous studies, adolescents who experiment with drugs and alcohol are more likely to develop substance use disorders later in life. adult.

Family history

If you have a family history of addiction, there may be a genetic predisposition to developing an addiction as well. It is estimated that around 30% – 70% of a person’s risk of addiction could have a genetic component added to other social and/or circumstantial factors.


There is a widespread misconception that any medication prescribed by a doctor is safe. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Doctors prescribe medications to relieve symptoms of physical or mental health problems.

However, many people are not properly informed about the risks that these medications can present when they are not followed as directed or when they are abused.

Chronic pain is often controlled with opioid medications, which are highly addictive. Depending on the amount used and other factors, medical detoxification may be necessary to stop its use.

Also, other substances used to treat conditions such as anxiety or depression can be very addictive if consumed without strict medical control.

Feeling of loneliness or emptiness

Addiction can begin as a result of a prolonged feeling of isolation. Some people turn to drugs and alcohol thinking that these substances will fill their feeling of emptiness, without realizing that their abuse can end up isolating them even more, among other things due to fear of judgment or the inability to ask for help. help in time.

Social pressure

Peer pressure is very common, especially among teenagers or young adults. We all have some need to fit in, but some people are especially vulnerable to this social pressure and may end up participating in potentially harmful activities.

Mental health disorders

Conditions such as depression, anxiety, or ADHD can put people at greater risk of developing an addiction. In most cases, some type of mental disorder is found after addiction. This is what we know as dual pathology.

Recreational use

Many people use drugs or alcohol in society to relax, have fun, or to “relax” after a long day. They often see substances as a way to free their minds from stress. But, those people who use substances recreationally run a great risk of becoming addicted if their use continues over time or they use highly addictive substances.

Reasons why people abuse drugs

Recovery is possible

In any case, it is possible to quit addiction and substance abuse with the right help.

Revelia Recovery Center is a treatment center specialized in both chemical and behavioral addictions, located in Canarias.
Among our main objectives are:

Achieve total abstinence from the consumption of the substances to which the addict shows dependence.

Guarantee the patient a new quality of life, both physical and emotional, in order to avoid a relapse in consumption.

To achieve them, we have the best and most qualified professionals in addiction and a methodology and therapies of proven effectiveness, focused in a completely personalized way.

Revelia Recovery Center is a safe space in which people who suffer from some type of addiction can regain well-being, balance and health.

For this reason, if you are looking for help to get rid of addiction, or have any questions about it, do not hesitate to contact us.

Author Profile

Revelia Recovery Center - Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation in Tenerife

Revelia Drug Rehab Center in Spain is located in Tenerife, Canary Islands, where personalized addictionrecovery meets expert care. Our mission is to guide you toward freedom from addiction and a fulfilling, healthier life. Through evidence-based therapies and a holistic approach, we ensure lasting recovery andemotional well-being in a compassionate environment.
